SIMATIC S7-1500 6ES7550-1AA01-0AB0计数器模块

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SIMATIC S7-1500, TM count 2x24V 计数器模块,双通道 用于 24V 增量编码器或脉冲编码器, 3 DI,2 个数字输出/每个通道





SIMATIC S7-1500,异型导轨 830 mm(大约 32.7 英寸); 包括接地螺栓, 集成 DIN 导轨用于安装小型物料 如端子之类,断路 器和继电器


SIMATIC S7-1500,前连接器 以 Push-In 技术包装,40针, 针对 35mm 宽模块 包括 4 个电位桥接和束线带


SIMATIC S7-1500,异型导轨 530 mm(大约 20.9 英寸); 包括接地螺栓, 集成 DIN 导轨用于安装小型物料 如端子之类,断路 器和继电器


SIMATIC S7-1500,异型导轨 160 mm(大约 6.3 英寸); 包括接地螺栓, 集成 DIN 导轨

0" box-sizing: border-box;padding: 0.5rem 0.2rem;display:block">附件服务 0""/>6ES7590-0BL00-0AA0SIMATICS7-1500 / ET 200MP; 有源背板总线 12 个插槽用于插接 S7-1500 外设模块 用于热插拔; 用于 ET200MP 带 IM 155-5 PN HF(固件版本自 V4.4.1 起); S7-1500 安装导轨和 插槽盖请单独订货 6ES7592-2AX00-0AA0SIMATICS7-1500, 标签纸针对 35mm 宽 S7-1500 模块 颜色:AL GREY 材料:薄膜,打孔; 适合利用市售常见激光打印机进行打印; 10 个装订页每页含 10 个条带 每个包装单位 足够用于 100 个模块 6ES7590-0BH00-0AA0SIMATICS7-1500 / ET 200MP 有源背板总线 8 个插槽用于插接 S7-1500 外设模块 用于热插拔 用于 ET 200MP带 IM 155-5 PN HF(固件版本自 V4.4.1 起); S7-1500 安装导轨和 插槽盖请 单独订货 6ES7590-0BD00-0AA0SIMATICS7-1500 / ET 200MP 有源背板总线 4 个插槽用于插接 S7-1500 外设模块 用于热插拔 用于 ET 200MP带 IM 155-5 PN HF(固件版本自 V4.4.1 起); S7-1500 安装导轨和 插槽盖请 单独订货

产品商品编号(市售编号)6ES7550-1AA01-0AB0产品说明SIMATIC S7-1500, TMcount 2x24V 计数器模块,双通道 用于 24V 增量编码器或 脉冲编码器, 3 DI,2 个数字输出/每个通道产品家族TM2x24V 计数器模块产品生命周期 (PLM)PM300:有效产品价格数据价格组 / 总部价格组SP /219列表价(不含税)显示价格您的单价(不含税)显示价格金属系数无交付信息出口管制规定AL : N / ECCN :9N9999工厂生产时间5 天净重 (Kg)0.359 Kg包装尺寸16.10 x 19.40 x4.70包装尺寸单位的测量CM数量单位1件包装数量1其他产品信息EAN4047623411260UPC195125170131商品代码85389091LKZ_FDB/CatalogIDST73产品组4502组代码R151原产地德国Compliance with the substancerestrictions according to RoHS directiveRoHS 合规开始日期:2021.01.31产品类别A: 问题无关,即刻重复使用电气和电子设备使用后的收回义务类别-REACH Art. 33责任信息Lead CAS 号 7439-92-1 > 0, 1 % (w / w)Lead monoxide (lead ...CAS-No. 1317-36-8 > 0, 1 % (w / w)分类
版本分类eClass1227-24-22-05eClass627-24-22-05eClass7.127-24-22-05eClass827-24-22-05eClass927-24-22-05eClass9.127-24-22-05ETIM7EC001422ETIM8EC001422ETIM9EC001422IDEA43567UNSPSC1532-15-17-05TMFAST user-programmable high-speed module概述

User-programmable technology module with extremely shortinternal cycle time and very fast digital input and outputsignals

The following are available:

8 x digital input 24 V DC

8 x digital output 24 V DC

4 x digital input/output 24 V DC

8 x RS485/RS422, usable as digital input or output withdifferential signal or as TTL asymmetrically

Programming the application with the Intel® Quartus® Primesoftware

Cycle time of the application typ. 20 ns (nanoseconds);
Thus a response time terminal – terminal from the application of asignal change at the input to a reaction at the output ofsignificantly less than 1 µs can be achieved.


With the SIMATIC S7-1500 TM FASTuser-programmable technology module, the S7-1500 automation systementers new realms of processing speed, cycle time, and responsetime. This opens up completely new areas of application.

It is now possible to generate almostarbitrary pulse patterns at the outputs, which can be very finelyresolved in time. These pulse patterns can be calculated online asa function of other signals, such as meter reading or speed, ifrequired.

Due to the very fast internal processingof input signals and the direct control of output signals,extremely short response times can be achieved.

There are almost no limits to the varietyof possibilities, e.g.

Position-dependent output cams

Very fast responses to digital events

Counting of signals up to 5 MHz

Precise control of lasers

Precise dosing tasks

Pixel-perfect dot patterns on several parallel tracks

Control of lasers for various tasks

With a freely programmable application,the individual functions can be flexibly combined and linked witheach other.

TM FAST is suitable for all tasks forwhich a PLC with standard I/O modules is not fast enough and whichcannot be realized by a technology module either. These are oftentasks that were previously covered by special in-housesolutions.


Mechanical design

Module in the S7-1500 design

S7-1500 front connector with 38 terminals, plus 4 terminals forpower supply

TM FAST Debug Connector for direct connection to the FPGA fordevelopment and service independent of front connector wiring

Miscellaneous digital inputs and outputs:

8 x DI 24 V DC

8 x DQ 24 V DC, 0.1 A

4 x DIQ 24 V DC 0.3 A, to be used either as input or output

8 x RS485/RS422 differential signal, input or outputselectable,
optionally also usable as TTL asymmetric, limit frequency 5 MHz

System integration

32 bytes input data for feedback to the PLC, can be defined bythe user

32 bytes output data for controlling the function by the PLC,can be defined by the user

Definable data record, reading and writing, between 4 and 128bytes long

Can be used centrally in S7-1500 or distributed in the ET 200MPsystem

Supports isochronous mode

FW download and application download can be performedindependently of each other

Module replacement without PG


A library for S7-1500 and S7-1200 CPU isavailable to support the handling of the TM FAST application. It ishelpful in various cases, but not necessary for operation, so othercontrols can also be used. It offers the following functions:

Reading the status, version and name of the TM FASTapplication

Management of applications in TM FAST

Download of the TM FAST application from the SIMATIC Memory Cardinto TM FAST (only possible with S7-1500), e.g. for a moduleexchange without PG/PC

Possibilities to download the TM FASTapplication (the MultiFieldbus Configuration Tool (MFCT) is used toprepare the application):

During development with Intel Quartus Prime SW and IntelDownload Cable. The TM FAST Debug Connector is required for thispurpose.

From the PG/PC by means of FW update tools, e.g. TIA Portal,SIMATIC Automation Tool SAT or MFCT.

From the S7-1500 CPU during runtime with the TM FAST library

TM FAST DebugConnector

A TM FAST Debug Connector is available as an accessory for thedevelopment and commissioning phase. It enables a direct connectionfrom Intel Quartus Prime SW to the FPGA without CPUinvolvement.

The TM FAST Debug Connector must be ordered separately.

Additionally required externalcomponents

The Intel Quartus Prime software is required to create the TMFAST application. This package provides a powerful tool chain forprogramming, simulation, tracing and debugging of the TM FASTapplication. VHDL is used as the programming language.
Can be purchased directly from Intel.

The Intel FPGA Download Cable is required to connect the IntelQuartus Prime SW with the TM FAST for download and debugging. Itcan be purchased from specialist dealers.

System characteristicsS7-1500

Standardized 40-pole front connector with screw-type or push-insystem

Connectable core cross-sections: 0.25 mm2 to1.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 16)

Prewiring position of the front connector

Front flap with expandable cable compartment, even if fullywired

The 1:1 allocation of channel status or diagnostics LED,terminal and inscription;
permits the fast locating and elimination of errors. Assistance isprovided by the wiring diagram printed on the inside of the frontdoor.

Integrated shielding concept

Included in the scope ofdelivery:

One labeling strip for manual labeling

One U connector

Printed front door

Infeed element, shield clamp, and shield terminal


The S7-1500 TM FAST user-programmabletechnology module offers the user the possibility to program thefunction of the module application-specifically. For this purpose,an application is created using the Intel® Quartus® Primeengineering tool chain from Intel, which is loaded into the TMFAST. There, the program is processed in an FPGA (FieldProgrammable Gate Array). The user has direct access to the digitalinputs and outputs.

SIMATIC S7-1500 TM FAST enables a widerange of functions for this purpose. The individual functions canbe linked together as desired. This list can therefore onlyrepresent an excerpt of possible functions that can be implementedwith TM FAST:

Short, adjustable and reproducible responses, e.g. for

Ejection of faulty parts

Sorting systems

Quick shutdown to protect the machine

Position detection using

Incremental encoders

Absolute encoders

Output of precise pulses and pulse patterns, e.g. for

Outputs of pulse or pixel patterns via multiple parallel digitaloutputs

Output of pulse patterns with freely defined pulses andpauses

Output of pulse width modulated signals

Output of pulses with precisely defined length

Acquisition of fast signals, e.g. for

Counting events

Measuring a frequency

Measuring a pulse duration

Starting an output sequence without delay

Cycle times:
The cycle time of the internal logic can be set in steps, a typicalvalue is 20 ns (50 MHz).
Taking into account the HW runtimes, response times from inputterminal to output terminal of less than 1 µs can thus beachieved.


使用西门子PLC设计程序时我们需要对程序结构有一定了解, 西门子S7-200CPU的控制程序由主程序、子程序和中断程序组成,每一个模块对应的功能都不一样,下面我们一起来详细了解一下。









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